Recent content by Duh_TaleWorlds

  1. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    I wonder if @Duh_TaleWorlds still working there... The guy has been our saving grace for the game
    but his silence is worrying
    I'm still around, just more things in life going on so less time on the forums currently.
  2. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Less Updates to live version please!

    Live is typically updated to address the most urgent stability issues at a given time.

    You can use the steam beta system to opt out of the live branch and into a specific version that you want to stay on.
  3. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Patch Notes v1.2.8

    @Duh_TaleWorlds can we get the time forward command put back in command console for testing. It's been 6-8 months since I asked for it and was told it would be looked into
    To my understanding, it was removed because it corrupts the game.
  4. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Statement regarding Singleplayer IV


    Are you guys gonna fix the restriction to recruit Houses/Clans after the Kingdom destruction? Before they kingdom without land keep existing and pestering us, now we can destroy it, butclan leaders become like factions so it's impossible to recruit.

    I think they become bandits or mercenaries for a time would be nice, but eventually they would join a faction or we could be able to bring them inside our kingdom, but at the moment this is being impossible
    They can currently join existing kingdoms (like successful rebel clans).

    The player cannot persuade them currently as the defection persuasion assumes a kingdom to betray - that is to say that there is simply no content (dialogues, decision making logic) for this context. We are considering a content addition for this, but I cannot say if and when it will come.
  5. Duh_TaleWorlds

    some sort of new silent update today?

    The most frequent stability issue that we have observed from player submissions (thank you to everyone that uploaded a dump) is related to villager parties (and possibly caravans) capturing hero prisoners (nobles) and donating them to their settlement dungeon when they enter a town of their faction.

    The crash occurs because these types of parties don't have the capacity to handle the influence reward that is given for this action. The hotfix handled this crash.

    We will still investigate how these parties managed to receive these prisoners in some but not all games (the implementation currently prevents them from doing that normally).

    Given the upcoming holiday period, we opted to patch this on playstation asap.
  6. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Patch Notes v1.2.7

    Fair enough I guess, but could you please share what is definitely confirmed to be added to patch 1.3 other than claimants and replay editor.
    That would be discussed once it is reasonably certain (read - not definitely confirmed) what will come and in what general form. Aka "Improvements to X" would not make for a particularly interesting read - so some level of detail should be provided.
  7. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Patch Notes v1.2.7

    @Dejan @Duh_TaleWorlds @Piconi It's great that 1.2 is finally live. However, this means that it's time for the long awaited new future plans post on what we can expect from Bannerlord in terms of new content patches and/or DLCs.

    And PLEASE, don't give a response saying that you will be adding the things outlined in the release plans post. There's only claimants and replay editor iirc.

    Even if that's it for 1.3 for new content, and that 1.3 is the last content patch and that there will be no DLCs, please do inform us.

    It's likely that future content updates will be discussed once sufficient progress has been made. Ultimately, this is a balancing effort between early inclusion and not building false expectations ("it will be released in this way [next week/month/etc]"). IMO it will still be some time before that happens.
  8. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Patch Notes v1.2.7

    Well this was a suprise when i woke up and started my Ps5. The notification popped up after a few seconds that a update was available. I could not believe my eyes. But it does say that its 1.15 version, is that normal?
    Platform version increments are based on releases (actually, even certification submissions in some cases IIRC). That's why they differ between PC, PS and XB. 1.15 or 001.015.000 should be correct for PS4 and PS5.
  9. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Constant crashes 1.2.6

    Have you uploaded a crash dump? If so, can you provide me with the dump id?
  10. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Gang War not initiating

    This was changed when the ownership of alleys was introduced - in part because the "wait until the real fight" part of clearing alleys wasn't the best experience (at least imo). So now you clear it when killing the initial thugs and you take it over when assigning a companion.
  11. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Will the 3D conversation background come back one day ?

    Verified with the relevant dev that the background is indeed 2D. Sorry for the confusion.

    Having said that, it is unlikely that this will be changed given the impact it has on performance.
  12. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Do i understand correctly that, according to Tales #4, the 1.2.5 is a bit delayed and wont be coming out in november... aka tday or tomorrow?
    Yes and given the reports regarding battle stability and AI "over-performance" that's the right choice to me.
  13. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Will the 3D conversation background come back one day ?

    To my knowledge, there is no 2D conversation in the game. Quick conversations use a simplified 3D scene to make them, well, quick. For settlements, you can still visit the character to enter a conversation in the full scene.
  14. Duh_TaleWorlds

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    So there are some the AI improvements in 1.2.5 works in tournaments only, which makes even low tier troops perform better, right?
    No, there are general combat AI score calculation changes. Tournament participants in later rounds just receive an additional bonus to their score.

    To my understanding, this is not a direct AI improvement either. The score determines how well a character performs (how quickly & accurately they block, how often they feint, etc.) - changing it changes their performance, but not the underlying system.
  15. Duh_TaleWorlds

    My rantings about where the updates are going

    We are investigating the blocking performance of low level troops. It may be a bug.
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