Open Lost my renown, fiefs and lordship after dying in a longphort

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So I was fighting some Vikings in their hideout, when I took a javelin right to the back of the head for critical damage which one shot me. It would be fine but then I noticed straight after that my party size limit decreased by more than 200. I checked my renown and it says I have 950, as normal, in the notes and in the character section. However, when I look at my army, it says I only have a bit over 100. Furthermore, my fiefs still flew my flags but suddenly belonged to no one and in the notes I am described as having no fiefs and no vassalage.

In my 2000 hours of playing I've never seen this before. I managed to swear fealty again and I could cheat back my fiefs I'm sure, but when I try to cheat renown it increases on the notes/character screen but not what it says on my army section and thus doesn't affect my army size. I have no idea how to fix the renown problem because of the disconnect between the two.

I'm playing the VC storyline, which I completed as a lord of Wessex. I could probably have loaded a save but I overwrote my previous save after my death so I wouldn't save scum lol and my other save is 200 days ago.
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